Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's A....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What, now?

We went for our 'Big' ultrasound...the one where all the key measurements are taken to assess fetal development. This is also the u/s that confirms or adjusts due date, as well as the potential opportunity to check out the gender of the baby.

It's been the question on everyone's minds, and we've certainly been curious ourselves, so we have been looking forward to taking this particular diagnostic test for quite a while.

Now, to prep ourselves for potential disappointment, and because it happens quite a bit, I had been joking that our little Peanut would likely prove ornery about showing the goods. I pictured a contrarian fetus crossing its legs, bringing down its hands and hiding behind a privacy bush specially erected to thwart our prying eyes.

Well, it turns out we actually got a semi-OK look, not the best angle, and grainier than usaul visuals. So, our u/s technician announces that, based on what he was seeing we were having...a....

70% Girl.


Not sure what to make of that, folks. I've been thinking girl myself from the get-go...though according to the baby pool many of you are getting a boy vibe.

So, I guess we're back to wondering and hypothesizing around here. And, scheming on how to get ourselves a coveted 3D/4D ultrasound now to get a really good look inside to see what's going on in there! ;)

In the meantime, keep a lookout for new photos from this last round of scans. Coming as soon as my Scanner Man gets around to it!



crafty said...

Lookit. I'm a Jacobs; I know what I'm talking about. Just because you can't see peepee, doesn't mean there is no peepee. TRUST ME.

retrohappy said...

Oy...I leave it to Ross to defend his gene pool. ;)


Ross said...

Unknown said...

we had a 70% girl our first scan too. Then she went up to a 90% girl, and finally was born 100% girl. But I have heard stories of stealth penis< so you never know...

Eric Scott said...

Baby girl names I've always thought were interesting...whether you think they're safe for parental consumption is another matter. To quote the great Al Bundy...Hail baby.

Sweet Polly Purebread