Sunday, April 20, 2008

'08 is Great!

Every so often it strikes me that it is pretty cool that Peanut is due to enter the world in this particular year. Momentous things are afoot, and positive predictions abound.

For the first time in history, we have an election cycle with both a black man and a woman as truly strong, viable candidates. These were both things that we often questioned ever seeing in our lifetime--and here it is happening. I love the imagery of watching the face of politics shift with a newborn snuggled in a sling.

2008 is the year of the Rat. Now, on the face of it, that may not sound so appealing, I grant you. (Then again, few of the zodiac animals are particularly flattering, in my opinion. I would happily take a majestic lion figurehead over a brutish bull, y'know?) But, it's actually a pretty encouraging horoscope--hard-working, ambitious, successful, and loyalty inspiring. Not bad! ;)

Of course, the highly organized and perfectionist personality traits would be interesting in this household. And, it gets really interesting when you combine the Year of the Rat with the Virgo sign of the Zodiac (EDD of 8/23/08, if you missed early announcements).

Virgo personalities also display perfectionism, organization, and intensity. Not to mention they too are analytical and loyal. So, this baby gets a double dosage of these traits. Yowzah! It's gonna be interesting around here! ;)

And, depending on what actual day our little one makes an appearance, the Birthday Book suggests some fairly distinct differences that sway from one end to the other of the Virgo bandwidth.

Ross has August 27th in the baby pool...and it actually seems like those born on that day pretty much combine his and my personalities into one person. So, now we're rooting for 8/27/08.

But, back to 2008. It boasts a leap year, an Olympic event, the aforementioned Presidential elections, and, of course, the imminent arrival of a future over-achiever! It's all good.



Unknown said...

Weren't you a 72 baby? I was, and I am a rat too. Of course I only display the positive attributes...

retrohappy said...

Nope, I'm a '71...just missed it! ;)